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segunda-feira, 3 de setembro de 2012

Uma questão de camas II ! About beds ...!

Woof !   Woof! 

Olá amigos ! Estou muito chateada!  Alguém está querer ocupar o meu lugar na cama. Não, não é nesta:

Hello my friends! I'm very annoyed!  Someone is taking my place in the bed.
No,  not in this bed:

É nesta aqui
It's is here, in this one:
Ora bem, eu  no Verão só vou para a MINHA cama (esta aqui de cima, sim!) de madrugada - está calor e só a essa hora é que me apetece ir para a caminha fofa. 
Quando lá chego, só encontro 1/4 da cama livre ! só 1/4 ! dá para acreditar ???? parece impossivel !! o meu Dono ocupa metade da cama (o gordo!) e a minha Dona que dorme enroscada, ocupa 1/4 da cama.
Então, lá vou eu, salto para a cama e instalo-me no espaço que está vago, sem incomodar ninguém...... Juro, eu não incomodo ninguém..... mas a minha Dona que está a ficar velha e má, passado um pouco começa e empurrar-me !!!! A mim !!! Já não há respeito nenhum ! Eu encolho-me, mas depois volto a esticar-me aaahhhhhhhh, sim que eu gosto de dormir esticada ! 
E sim, porque a cama é MINHA !!
( a minha Dona está a dizer que lhe doem os joelhos de estar encolhida, ora bem, a cama da primeira  fotografia está livre .....)
Well, in the Summer  I usually go to MY bed (this one above, yes!) at dawn because of the warm nights.

When I get there, I find only 1/4 of the bed vacant! only 1/4! Can you believe it??  It looks impossible! Dad occupies a half of the bed (the fat guy!) and  Mom sleeps curled so she occupies 1/4 of the bed.

So there I go, I jump into the bed and install myself  in the vacant space ,  without bothering anyone ...... I swear, I didn't bother anyone ..... but Mom, who is getting old and  bad, she began to push me !! How could she do that !!  this is an outrage ! Then I  stretch me again, because I like to sleep stretched! And yes, because the bed is MINE!

(Mom is saying that her knees are hurting ..., well she can always sleep in the bed of the 1st picture - it's vacant...) .


7 comentários:

  1. You're so right, Iris! Tell your mom you need a decent place for a decent beauty sleep : ))

    1. It was an Oscar winning film with Daniel Day Lewis about 30 years ago.

      Inside the movie he played a severely disabled boy.

      …Only able to move his left foot.

      Daniel had some severe behavioral problems.

      He was a real handful and really frustrated.

      Until that is…

      One day-quite by accident- his family realized he was…

      A GENIUS!

      …And able to create amazing world class art work.

      After that realization- everything changed.

      The intelligence and gifts he had were unlocked.

      His frustration and behavior problems stopped and there was an incredible Hollywood ending (a fairytale ending)

      Here’s the point…

      Inside your dog-there is incredible intelligence too.

      I’ve seen it in hundreds of Dogs I’ve worked with.

      And once you unlock that intelligence.

      Most behavioral problems simply melt away.

      And the bond with you and your dog grows stronger.

      Sound good?

      >>> Go here now to unlock your dog’s natural intelligence today.

      The well behaved dog of your dreams is waiting to emerge.

      Any troublesome bad behavior you’re dealing with is waiting to disappear.

      Don’t put up needlessly with bad behavior a second longer.

      PS Check out the brain training for Dogs course now. It’s great for eliminating any bad behaviors by tapping into your dog’s hidden intelligence.

      PPS- check out the cute dog on the top of this page.

  2. BOL Iris we too have space management issues when it comes to sleeping. Have a great Monday.
    Best wishes Molly

  3. Que situação mais absurda! Qual é o problema da dona dormir dormir encolhida? Acho melhor o dono se encolher um pouco também! A situação aqui também está difícil, uma noite eu estava dormindo grudadinha na mamãe, sonhando feliz quando ouvi uns gritos do papai para que eu parasse de roncar!!!! Isso mesmo, ele disse que eu estava roncando! Eu saí correndo da cama mas depois voltei e ronquei de novo...(e ele ronca igual a um caminhão!)
    Lambidas da Pink

  4. Oh Iris, you are a beautiful girl!! I really like you wearing those awesome sunglasses in a few posts back. Thanks for stopping by my blog. Boy you sure have a big pack, what fun!! I've just become your newest follower. have a great day and tell mom and dad you need a bigger bed!!! :)

  5. Iris tadinha de vc....faz uma carinha a mais de piedade q quem sabe vc convence os donos...boa semana p vcs ...bjs lambjs e miaus

  6. Iris! This is an outrage! If that wee little bed is good enough for you, it is certainly good enough for mom or even dad. It is not fair to deprive you of your comforts.

